Flipping Houses | Home Renovation in Silicon Valley


   Our trusses were delivered and what a sight it was! 



   Let’s talk trusses and roof systems! 



   A timber roof truss is a structural framework of timbers design

Santa brought us Trusses for Christmas

Our trusses were delivered and what a sight it was!

Let’s talk trusses and roof systems!

A timber roof truss is a structural framework of timbers designed to bridge the space above a room and to provide support for a roof. Trusses usually occur at regular intervals, linked by longitudinal timbers such as purlins. The space between each truss is known as a bay.


   Asbestos, Here We Come.  We got some pretty crappy news that this house was filled with Asbestos. So, before we could do any demo. It had to be remediated. That means, they go in with serious hazmat clothing and  do their stuff.   Take a

Asbestos, Here We Come.

We got some pretty crappy news that this house was filled with Asbestos. So, before we could do any demo. It had to be remediated. That means, they go in with serious hazmat clothing and do their stuff.

Take a look at the progress.

We're at it again!

We're at it again!

Introducing 2409 Westgate Avenue

Lance and I are back at it again after a long, Covid break. We’d love to show it to you. We’ve made a video, (albeit pretty low production value) below, so take a look if you’d like to see a virtual walk-through. Come see the house!

And the winner is...

And the winner is...

Stacked or Staggered. And the winner is…

Thanks to all of you who wrote in, both on the block and also directly on text. It was super interesting to hear from everyone. The vast majority of you voted for the tried and true…Staggered. So, that’s what we did!

Willow Glen Way - Up It Goes!

Willow Glen Way - Up It Goes!

Framing is underway. And up it goes!

Things are moving at a rapid pace. Lance is at it almost full time managing foundation specialists, plumbing, electrical, subs, vendors, inspections, framing and MUCH more. But the most satisfying part of this whole process (at least for me) is framing. It's tangible and it moves fast.

We turned a pool room into a fun room

We turned a pool room into a fun room

Got some teens but short on space? Try this trick.

So, we have a small backyard that is basically taken up with a pool. Tucked into one corner is this small little structure that housed our leaky old pool equipment, tools and left-over Costco purchases. It was a mess! But at least it was a place to store stuff in a small house with very little storage.

Introducing Willow Glen Way

Introducing Willow Glen Way

Yes, I know. We said we were taking a break.

But we couldn't resist this little gem.

Lance and I have walked by this house for years. Once in awhile we'd see an older man come in and out in his 70's Cadillac. We would always talk about what elements were salvagable and what we'd do if it were ours. 

Our Mid-Century Modern Flip

Our Mid-Century Modern Flip

There's no doubt that the best part of house flipping are the BEFORE & AFTERS. 

There is something so satisfying about seeing the BEFORE & AFTER comparisons, especially if it's been shot from the same angle. After doing a few homes and making the mistake of not shooting the correct angles, I've learned my lesson. This time, we did a better job of anticipating the most profound design changes. The only ones which aren't represented are the areas that were completed gutted and reconfigured.

Please join us to see what we did to bring this amazing house to life.